Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Shiki Anime: Guide & Commentary (actually, I'm just ranting)

Wow...this is gonna go by fast but what the hay.

Acclaimed as the series with most potential of the season, Shiki kicks start the Summer season with a not-so bad introduction episode. To the very least, it had the most balanced one.

From the artist who brought to you Houshin Engi and the author who brought to you Ghost Hunt and Juuni Kokki, it's one hell of a series~ (hey, it's got Gackt AND Lady Gaga, fair reason enough?)

Now before you start the series, throw out the following assumptions:
- That Yuuki Natsuno is the main character, or that anyone is the main character. There are multiple main characters, that's Ono-sensei's writing preference. Just like with Ghost Hunt and Juuni Kokki, there were always more than one main character.
- That you gotta remember everyone's names. You don't, really...and it's obvious why because most of the characters are going to drop dead like flies one after the next.
- (in reply to another reviewer's criticism) That the designs are too fruity and forced. No. Just...no. I sometimes find reviewers who criticize Fujisaki-sensei by saying he tries to hard to make the characters look interesting...when it's actually the opposite, he's being lazy about it! This artist IS A FRUITY NUTCAKE, and he draws these bizarre characters almost effortlessly. Criticism should be backed up with knowledge and history. It's alright to say it doesn't seem to fit the serious atmosphere of the story, but misguided assumptions leads to a biased judgement. (Like that jerk reviewer who compared Switch's character design to Code Geass even though Switch came out before Geass). For the record, though, I've never seen an entire anime cast of over 100 normal folk characters look so distinct from one another. It's more logical to think that it's better that they do look overly unique because most of the villagers drop out of the picture and reappear several volumes later on.  The more memorable they look, the easier it is for you to at least remember their face, not so much their names so that you can go, "ah I remember seeing this guy dying earlier...!!"
- And lastly...That the characters need to be likable. They don't. :) start the killing spree, now.

We're covered, yeah? Good, got it, great!


  1. If I am super bored, I might go and watch. I like both the artist and the author, so the chance of me trying is very high (Even if I am in slump in regards of anime/manga lately.)

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